The Gerontologist. Review by Rick Scheidt PhD. Volume 57, Issue 5. October 5, 2017. Volume 57. Issue 5. 1001-1003.
The defining theme of Dying Wish is offered at its outset by 80-year-old retired surgeon Dr. Michael Miller, who suffers from late-stage terminal cancer: “I’m Michael Miller. Soon I will discontinue drinking and eating and drift into death in days. I am extricating myself from a wretched end of life. It is a poor thing for anyone to fear that which is inevitable. Yes, the cancer has conquered me . . . has its tentacles into me but I will not . . . am not allowing it to make me suffer in these last few days.” This film explores the personal, familial, and wider social and ethical implications of Michael’s decision to hasten his own death. ” Read the entire abstract by clicking on the link above (access permission needed).
Death with Dignity National Center blog post Karen van Vuuren is a former broadcast news journalist with experience working in the field of end-of-life and directed the documentary Dying Wish. In this blog, she explains more about working with Dr. Miller to film the documentary. Karen’s currently completing a new documentary, Go In Peace! on caring for veterans with PTSD who are facing serious illness or death. She is also the editor of Natural Transitions Magazine, a quarterly magazine focusing on conscious, holistic approaches to end of life. March 1, 2013.
Seven Ponds Blog It’s impossible not to be touched by this profound journey, by the strength of a dying man inspired by the legacy he will leave through the film. Michael’s story is emotional, but also educational and deeply thought-provoking. A beautiful piece, certainly for any caregiver to experience and ponder, but also for all of us to see this kind of end-of-life experience up close without grandeur or repugnance. February 2013.
Library Journal Review of Dying Wish “impressively candid… even inspirational.” January 2010.
Panorama News: “Dying wish”
Journal Of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
January/February 2009, vol. 11, No. 1
Medflix Review of “Dying Wish”
Medflix: The humane medicine & film blog
December 11, 2008
“Going Gentle into that Good Night”
July 25, 2008, Blog entry by Mark Harris, environmental journalist and author of Grave Matters
“Catching up”
April 26, 2008, Blog entry from Mark Harris,
environmental journalist and author of Grave Matters.
“Dying Wish Documents Death of Dr Michael Miller with Conscious Choice to Stop Eating and Drinking”
July 28, 2008, American Chronicle
“A Dying Doctors Choice”
Autumn 2007, HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties Newsletter